Wildfire Prepared Homes

A program of the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS)

IBHS has spent years studying how best to protect homes from flames and embers. Through their science based research and experiences they have developed the Wildfire Prepredared Home, a voluntary program for Homeowners.

Homeowners can follow their recommendations, retrofitting their properties to meet the standards before applying to IBHS for a Wildfire Prepared Home Inspection. To learn more about the program and benefits of becoming a designated Wildfire Prepared Home, Click HERE


Presentation from IBHS

Michael Newman, Senior Director for Law & Public Policy for The Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS) joined us on our Fire Safe Sonoma Speaker Series to talk about the Wild Fire Prepared Home Program. 

If you’re interested in learning more about the science behind home hardening and defensible space, this is a good presentation to tune into. Watch it on our YouTube Channel HERE or below.  

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